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Rowan is our newest addition to the family!

As an intuitive I feel it my responsibility to always tell every living being that they are too, powerful intuitive manifests. Rowan was one of the first Standardbred race horses I had ever met. He was recovering from a broken foot. I stood there brushing him and had reminded him that "he has the right and responsibility to safely manifest what is in his highest and best interest" (which could mean remaining a racehorse, if he felt so inclined). After over 1 year, here he is at home with me. 

Rowan and Athena have developed quite a bond, while Sawyer is still debating if he likes a 3 horse herd. 

Rowan is truly a blessing to have. I feel he has come to heal, himself and anyone who crosses his path. I call him my meditation buddy, simply because he loves to accompany you during your meditation in the out in the field. 

I am absolutely honoured to have Rowan in my life and look forward to spending the rest of our lives together on this physical, but spiritual journey. 

Rowan is still settling in! He is loving life but still unsure as to how long he will be here as most of his life has been filled with short term owners. 

I officially have all of the contracts signed and completed and Rowan will not need to ever worry about adjusting to a new family. 

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