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What way is up sometimes?

Sometimes life just flies by so fast it is hard to decipher what direction you are going anymore!

This is my last month of school in the Clinical Herbalism Diploma Program and although I know I am more than ready to go out and make a difference in the world, I must admit it can be scary!

The self doubt and destructive thoughts begin to creep in and next thing you know, energy levels have dropped, motivation levels are declining and your presence has disappeared! Well I am here to tell you, our lifetimes here are too short and too often wasted in fear, overwhelm and low vibrating frequencies. Surrender your fears to the Universe and ask for guidance, support and potentially a new perspective on whatever is bringing you down. Then, with that off your back, get up and just put one foot in front of the other, trusting that the Universe will present the path to you, ensuring your next step always has somewhere to land.

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