What is Love?
What is love? Is love that feeling you have for your partner? For your children? For that pet? What about that feeling when your senses are ignited eating that food, or the chills from a moving song? Too often, our role models do not even know, so how would we? We are shown right from wrong, “love” from hate, black from white. But is it really loving to give all of yourself to the likes of others? When it is perceived as selfish love ones self and refill our own temple? Is it really loving to hush ones voice because the truth is frightening? Is it really loving to impose our beliefs, rights, wrongs, blacks and whites onto anyone outside of ourselves? For isn’t it love, if we cherish, accept and empower one another to live on our each unique passion, purpose and define our own ways of love?

There are all these terrible names for love, names that tarnish the true and intoxicatingly vitalizing feelings that one gets. These feelings come and go like the glimmer of the stars. Do not waste your time justifying or shaming love for one day i fear love will be a myth, only portrayed in stories of once was