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Feminism, I believe was originally founded to fight for women’s rights.

I have two issues with that statement: A) fight and B) women. Fight is a very aggressive, testosterone filled masculine verb. Women “fight” but it is my belief that hormonally with substantially less testosterone in our bodies our definition of “fight” looked a lot different- an answer I do not have. That is not to say women do not have fire, women/ feminine beings can become very heated, passionate and driven but that is very different than the primitive masculine “fight”. Second is Women rights. To be feminine does not equate being a woman, although I even catch myself falling into these conditionings. Heterosexual men can also be feminine, and many women I know, adore their mans feminine side, some more than others. Life is a balance. We all possess all of the elements, we both have male and female hormones, just to varying degrees. And all is exactly as it should be, there is no right and there is no wrong.

Feminism today has become a bastardized name. I have my own assumptions why (besides the point) the media has tarnished this movement for feminine rights. Think about it, feminism has become to mean angry, aggressive, loud, disruptive, brutal, vengeful, bitter, hysterical, needy, radical, rebellious, untamed, man- hating, disgusting, ugly, hairy, dirty, penis- envying, psychotic, dykes. The list can go on, but I’m struggling to think of anymore hateful, barbaric words at the moment.

So with that pleasantry let me cover my ass before I lose some of you. I am going to make very generalized statements, please approach this with some level of an open mind and if even then this does not resonate, i respect that too.

The Chinese explain this the best. I am sure we have all heard of yin and yang. Well that symbol to many indicates balance- and it does but it represents much more. It also represents Yin- feminine energy/ characteristics and Yang- masculine energy/ characteristics.

You following?

Yang Intense

Bright light

The Sun







Spring/ Summer



Distance yourself a bit and try to think of males animals in the wild, they wrestle, they are beings of action, competition, sexual and otherwise, they are movement and play, rough and intense

*By the way as I said earlier, all sexes have all of this to varying degrees.*






Recessive/ Nurturing





Autumn/ Winter


This of the general patience a feminine counterpart has compared to a masculine entity, and the restorative qualities of a feminine nature.

Ok so now lets go back to media’s representation of feminism:

Angry = Fire = Masculine Essence

Aggressive = Action, Intense, Fire = Masculine Essence

Loud = Intense, Active, Assertive = Masculine Essence

Disruptive =Restless, Action = Masculine Essence

Brutal, Vengeful, Radical, Rebellious, Hateful =Masculine Essence

Catching my drift?

Most of these things aren’t even feminine and I think even some feminists today have forgotten what difference they are trying to influence and change they are looking for in the world (Community, Nurturing, Unity).

Now, some things in that nasty list are and can have more of a Feminine Essence such as passion and connection with emotions. And damn straight feminine beings could be bitter right now, and I’d never dream of being anything but untamed, but it suggests feminine beings must be tamed. Ugly is a projection of ones beliefs around what beauty should be, hairy goes along with untamed and the perception of beauty. Psychotic, hysterical and needy.... I very passionately have a fucking distaste for these words.

Psychotic is a disease of the mind and Feminine Essence encompasses the mind. I believe this word and the title hysterical are misused diagnoses to mute feminine uprising. Ones passion, raw perseverance and potential desperation can easily be perverted into the appearance of psychosis or hysteria. And the cure... sedation, and silencing.

To be masculine, or to embody a dominance in Masculine Essence is not wrong or bad, or incomplete. There is great strength and beauty in the dance of the masculine. The point I am proving is solely around the feminist argument, its stigma, and oddly disproportionate labels.

Also let us not forget, to be Feminine, has its pros and cons.

Underneath all of those labels, what is feminism and what do they/ we stand for?

Simply put i think it is to bring the Yin- Yang symbol back into balance. Where both masculinity and femininity are viewed as divine, treated as such and each entity can poetically and confidently ride the waves of both yin and yang flux with pride, mindfulness, easy and fluidly.

Ultimately I believe the “fight” is to culturally accept that there are no subspecies. We are too different to be equals, but the acknowledgement that were are equally divine, necessary, impactful, useful and talented is essential.



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