What to expect while consulting a Herbalist!

So first and foremost, what is a herbalist?
Simply put, a herbalist is a Plant Medicine Worker who supports healing and health with herbs.
Can anyone be a herbalist?
YES! Anyone can be a herbalist as the craft is not currently regulated. There are some very good herbalists who have learned through experience, apprenticeships and through their ancestry although there are also just as many questionable “posers” out there who do not understand the implications plants could have on ones health.
So how do I know if I have a reliable/ qualified herbalist?
Well, there are schools and associations whom represent herbalists, with the appropriate credentials, experience and ethics. It is entirely with in your right to ask a herbalist their credentials! For example what school they trained under, their years experience, their governing association etc.
Dont get me wrong there are brilliant herbalists who did not take this “schooling“ approach and choose to be unassociated with the Herbal Association but if you are new to the craft, whether client or practitioner, then it is safest to go this route and steer clear of practitioners with little to show for credentials and knowledge of the art.
For example: I am trained and certified as a Clinical Western Herbal Therapist through the Institute of Traditional Medicine, a certified Intuitive Plant Medicine Practitioner though One Willow Apothecaries and am a registered herbalist through the Ontario Herbalist Association.
Why would I need a herbalist?
Herbalists are not always in replacement of traditional Allopathic Medicine, we can work alongside your doctors too. But ultimately individuals chose plant medicine for further support, once they have tried other avenues with little to no success or simply if they are just trying more natural alternatives.
Myths about plant medicine:
FALSE- Because they are natural/ organic they are safe.
TRUTH- Plants are made up of chemical components, called chemical constituents. These chemicals can interact with your pharmeceuticals and could cause an array of side effects including death. Also, plants are interacting with your body, thus the point in taking them and if you are on an inappropriate assortment of herbs, this could be detrimental. That is why it is so important to ensure you have an informed and properly trained herbalist on your side!
FALSE- Herbalists can replace doctors. Herbalists do not and can not diagnose! We can work with the symptoms you present and we can work with a diagnosis from your physician but we cannot even claim to assume a diagnosis.
TRUTH- If you go to a herbalist with life threatening symptoms or concerns the herbalist is bound to urge you to seek medical attention (and ladies and gents that’s not us!). We can help you after you are stable and after you have a diagnosis but until your life threatening symptoms are tended too, we are putting our careers on the line if we proceed with any additional support!
So... you think you might be interested in giving this herbalist approach a try, what can you expect?
There will be an initial consult, liability waivers will be signed, Health history forms completed with the Herbalist with clarifying questions and explanations. this process can take anywhere from 1-3 hours and we are flexible if you have time restraints!
If time allows or simply during our follow up session we will discuss current concerns and areas of focus. This is the time to bring up what you want to work on! Be sure to bring a list of any and all supplements, pharmaceuticals and herbs you are currently taking. Herbs will NOT be dispensed without this information! After gathering all of the applicable information (usually 15-30 minutes needed for follow up) our session is over.
BUT when do I actually get the herbs I need ?!
Relax it’s ok! Within the following week I can either mail you your plant medicine bouquet (at your cost) OR you can pick it up! The reason herbs are not dispensed during the follow up appointment is to provide me enough space to thoroughly research herb/ pharmaceutical interactions and develop a custom blend for you and your present concerns!
Helpful information coming into a session:
- It is always helpful to have a brutally honest food diary of the last two weeks. There is ZERO judgement in this environment, you are authentically assisting me with painting a picture of your present life, in essence allowing me to be a fly on the wall in order to better help you!
- Bowel movement records for the past two weeks. EWWW. No seriously, ones bowel movement tells me soooo much information! And PS it doesn’t gross me out one bit, it’s kind of cool!
It’s helpful to know:
- what times you poop
- what colour it is
- what shape is it- you can refer to the Bristol Chart for support
- does it float/ sink
If you aren’t comfortable, this is entirely understandable I will not ever pressure you but I promise you we will get to the point we talk about poo!!
Anyways, to recap:
1) Initial intake- Health History- Clarifying questions- paint me a picture of who you are so I can help
2) Follow up- present concern(s), goals- potential exam
3) Pick up herbs!
4) Check in- I will follow up with you via Email or specified form of communication to check in and see how everything is going thus far!
5) Follow up- if you require a renewal of herbs and or have additional topics to address, just hit me up and we will book another session to address present concern(s), goals and potential exam(s)
REPEAT until your hearts content