Or Cult-ure

I find I am a relatively level headed young woman. Although I suppose that could be up fo discussion! But there are some topics that fall under the category of conspiracy theory. This is especially difficult because the label is so beautifully engulfed with stigma that my legitimacy is written off before I even begin.
To some, even a select few in my family would even consider the above statement conspiracy.
But hey! I live my truth and you live yours. There is very little that I am interested in forcing people to believe, but I like to question everything. What feels right for me is the reality I choose for myself and you dont have to be on board.
As a curious “why” creature I fell upon the word culture. This is a word I actually use quite often but in a typo of mine along the way I wrote “cult”. This stopped me in my tracks and got me thinking.... culture is really an odd word, I spent 2 seconds on the interweb looking it up, the origins etc. and I was kind of shocked! More curious, less looking for trouble, although my life is loving proof they go hand in hand; I googled origin of word culture, this is what I found:
“The Origins of the Term "Culture" The word 'culture' comes from the Latin cultus, which means 'care', and from the French colere which means 'to till' as in 'till the ground'. There are many terms that stem from the word culture.”
Hmmm curiouser and curiouser. So they are saying there are many origins basically but first and foremost it likely refers to the care and tilling of the land?!
That explanation seems convincing but doesn’t quite make a lot of sense, and honestly the explanation is pretty ambiguous.
Ok. So I googled “cult”:
“A system of religious veneration (respect, reverence) and devotion directed toward a particular figure or object”
And -ure:
“Suffix: forming nouns denoting an action, process or result”
Ahhh ok this is what I was wondering. Cult-ure could potentially denote ‘the act of devotion directed towards an hierarchical system of religious regard and reverence’.
This makes sense because as much as I used to say “I love learning about other cultures”. What I was really saying is “I love learning about other religions and how each unique cult is reinforced by said religion”.
Ok ok so my next quick google was to look for synonyms, here’s my list:
civilization, (civil- to be civil is to be domesticated= domesticated cult)society “living together in a more or less ordered community”- google (domestication, cult, control, hierarchical system)way of life- I like this one best I think lifestyle, customs, traditions, heritage, habits, ways, values
In conclusion, curiouser and curiouser